If you've already created an application to a Challenge or Insight on LEO and you wish to view or edit it, you can easily do so via your dashboard. In the dashboard's navigation, you will see a link to your applications. On desktop this will be on the left hand side and on mobile this will be displayed when you tap the "Menu" toggle.
On your applications page, you will see a list of all of your applications.
If you click the card itself this will take you to the front end view of the challenge.
Editing or Deleting a Draft Application
At the bottom of the innovation card you will see an edit icon and a bin icon.
Clicking the edit icon will take you to the applications vetting form where you can amend your answers.
Clicking the bin icon will allow you to delete your draft application.
If your application has not been fully submitted it will still be in draft. Click into your application and submit on the final step. Your application to move it out of draft and fully submit it to the Challenge/Insight